Brimrose manufactures the highest-performing, most rugged NIR spectrometers on the market.
Near Infrared is a very popular at-line and in-line measurement tool. There are a number of proven applications of NIR in the Pharmaceutical, Food, Polymer, Specialty Chemical, and Academic industries.
Measurements can be made of individual components within your products (like moisture, API, monomer, reactant loss, product formation, etc.) within seconds. Additionally, near infrared can be used for phyical characterization (particle size, intrinsic viscosity) of your products.
Brimrose’s AOTF-NIR technology provides our customers with two major benefits:
- They are solid- state- able to withstand harsh plant environments
- Its high speed of data collection increases the signal-to-noise of your spectrum and allows for better accuracy and lower limits of detection.
Can in-line or at-line Near Infrared measurement help optimize your process? If so, contact us below with detailed information about your application and measurement needs.
We will then reach out to discuss your best options.